Visited Jan 30 – Feb 2, 2013.
This year I was one of the lucky college counselors invited to attend Lynn University’s 14th Annual Counselor Program. This group was comprised of twenty amazing college counselors from all over the world including individuals from Turkey, England, Switzerland, and Puerto Rico as well as from all over the US.

The first day of the trip we were privileged to meet with four Lynn professors who explained Lynn’s approach to education. Four years ago, Lynn moved away from the typical core curriculum and developed the Dialogues of Learning. This new approach to the liberal arts experience is focused on practical learning. There are five different areas covered in the Dialogues where writing skills, math and science are taught from a real life perspective. The goal of the revised curriculum is to “provide foundation and skills sets to get jobs. In order to accomplish this the educational focus must be on the future not the past.”

There are many wonderful characteristics about Lynn University, and I encourage any student who is interested in having a nurturing, dynamic, and hands-on college experience to consider Lynn University. Listed below are a few of Lynn’s hallmark programs:
• An exceptionally strong media major that includes film, multi-media, advertising and graphic design.
• The Institute of Achievement and Learning — This is one of the strongest college programs that supports students with learning differences. The Institute offers tutors, coaches, and numerous learning aids to students with a diagnosed learning disability. There is an additional charge for this program, but it was described as the “Ferrari” of all college programs for students with learning differences. Twenty percent of the Lynn students are enrolled in the Institute
• The College of Business and Management takes a very hands-on approach to helping students jump into the world of business even in their first semester of college. In this college a student can major in Fashion and Retail, Aviation Management, Hospitality, Event Management, International Business, Investment and Marketing, and Sports Management. These business majors have the opportunity to work at the X Games, the Super Bowl, and various professional baseball organizations. It is also important to note that all Lynn business majors must have one internship experience before graduating.
• The J term — this is a short term in January where the Lynn professors have the freedom to create courses that are especially interesting to them. Some that were mentioned were the Everglades — a constantly changing environment where the students spent two and a half weeks on location, America – The Owner’s Manual, and The Beach as a Crime Scene.
• Next year all Lynn freshmen will be given an IPad mini where all of their textbooks will be downloaded as well as many innovative teaching aids.

Lynn University prides itself as being an institute of higher learning that focuses on Innovative, Internationalized, and Individualized. After spending three incredible days on the Lynn Campus, I heartily agree with this statement.

If you reach out to Lynn’s admission’s office, you will have the opportunity to meet some of the most caring individuals I have ever met in a college environment. Give them a call; they will help you decide if Lynn is the perfect fit for you!