As August approaches, many of us become Dogs, Jackets, Vols, and even Horned Toads (TCU). Recently I wondered who invented the idea of the college mascot in the first place.
After doing some research on the topic, I learned the answer. “According to Ruth Alexander, Professor at the University of Florida, the history of the school mascot, began in early intercollegiate sports. Schools needed a way to set apart their school, develop an air of uniqueness. The very first mascots appear at Ivy League schools, such as Yale, Harvard, and Brown. Cavemen used masks and costumes to gather strength for hunts and battles. The transition to the sports was only natural. The phenomenon grew and schools mascots quickly became household names and proud identifiers. The mascot signifies a proud heritage and continual identification by students well past graduation, embodying the spirit of the school.” (Joe Candler, Contributing Yahoo Network)
Many say the college years are the best years of a person’s life so each student should perhaps put some thought as to whether he/she wants to spend these special years as a spider or mustang. Go Vols!!!
I truly don’t believe there is anyone who loves college sports any more than I do. Since I was the fourth child and only daughter in my family, I had to be good at football in order to join the neighborhood gang on fall afternoons. Along side my dad and my brothers, I was glued to the television (which was invented the year I was born!) every time a major sports event was shown. Even as an adult, I read the sports section the minute I open the newspaper each morning. I know the Braves statistics better than I know how to cook a turkey, and I would rather watch a golf tournament than sit through a popular sit-com.